Unlocking the Power of Digital Transformation: It's About People, Not Just Technology!

Project overview

Digital Transformation Insights: JCIM’s Approach to Empowering People and Business Models

Recently, I received a thought-provoking question: What has really changed in digital transformation over the past few years? As I pondered, the truth hit me—nothing significant has changed. Many still equate digital transformation with digitization, a misconception that needs correcting.

At JCIM, we’ve discovered the key to successful transformation lies not in technology alone but in transforming people. While everyone is adept at using digital tools, true expertise lies in navigating transformative change within business models. Our focus at JCIM is precisely on this transformative journey—empowering individuals to embrace digital maturity and drive lasting change.

Join us as we unravel the complexities of digital transformation and empower your organization to thrive in the digital era.

Challenges misconceptions about digital transformation versus digitization.
Emphasizes the importance of transforming people alongside business models.
Highlights JCIM’s role in guiding organizations towards digital maturity.

Explainer video

Game-Changing Shifts in Digital Transformation You Need to Know

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It takes 20 years to build a reputation and 5 minutes to ruin it.” "if you think about that, you’ll do things differently." Warren Buffet | Chairman and Ceo | Berkshire Hathaway